Early Years Education Program

Babies Room

6 weeks - 18 months

Our babies room provide a safe and secure environment that support babies' social, emotional, cognitive and physical development. With a staffing ratio of 1 educator for 4 babies, our qualified educator provides intentional and spontaneous teaching in the program and respect all children's interests. Our babies room is designed to be comfortable and appealing, catering to all children's need under a relaxing environment.

Toddlers Room

18 months - 3 years old

Our play-based curriculum for toddlers is interactive and exploratory, involving interaction with a rich variety of sensory materials such as mud, sand, paint, and equipment such as puzzles, Lego and musical instruments. We also incorporate real life meaningful experiences such as threading, home corner, camping, shops, fire station, to develop children's sense of belonging to group and communities, while building their dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, imagination and enthusiasm. We believe small group activities will allow children to have the opportunity to work on social and problem-solving skills like resolving an issue between peers, turn taking, and sharing, to enhance their learning.

Kindergarten Room

3 - 5 years old (Kinder funded program)

Our kindergarten program is implemented by a bachelor qualified Kindergarten Teacher. The program includes a comprehensive school readiness program that is consistent with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. Our Kindergarten Teacher is assisted by early childhood educators.

The focus on developing self-confidence, problem-solving skills, self-esteem, skill development and independence is embedded in our kindergarten program. The Kindergarten Teacher utilises the children’s current interests and identified strengths and developmental areas to form the basis of the program. Children are given opportunities to express which experiences and activities they would enjoy exploring throughout the program.

Our kindergarten program prepares your child for the move to school, in a manner which is educational. We believe that learning and playing are one. Play is a process of development (intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically) in everything a child does. This is a process whereby a child’s curiosity is fulfilled by use of fantasy, imagination, independence and sensory exploration.

Our program is inclusive of incursions scheduled throughout the year. These may include:

• Responsible Pet Ownership Incursion

• Road Safety Education Incursion

• Egg Hatching Program

• Local Primary School visit

• Local Library visit

• Local Dental visit